High School Musical: We're all in this together

You wake up in the middle of the night screaming.


You have just woken up from a nightmare. You dreamt that Zac Efron had died, the worst possible thing that could happen. You get up from your bed and walk into the bathroom. You begin washing your face to calm yourself, but as you look up into the mirror, you don’t see yourself looking back, it is him.

Zac Efron.

You scream and fall backwards. Your parents run into the room and begin comforting you, saying it was all just a dream. You eventually calm down as your parents leave to room. You decide a warm shower may calm your nerves. As you take your shower, you begin to sing along to some of your favorite songs from high school musical. Your previous fears go away as you calm down, but as you pull back the shower curtains to get out, you see him.

Zac Efron.

You scream and slip, falling onto the shower floor. Hitting your head on the way down and knocking you out. When you wake up it’s morning and you get up from the shower floor and put your clothes on. You realize your head is bleeding and go downstairs to tell your parents. You see your dad reading the newspaper at the table and your mom making breakfast.

“Hey dad,” you say, as you try to get his attention.

Your dad pulls the newspaper down exposing his face. Except it isn’t your dad, it is him.

Zac Efron.

Your mom then turns around and she too now has the face of Zac Efron. Your dog runs into the room and he looks like Zac Efron as well. You scream and run out of your house just as a police car is driving by. You begin screaming as to get the cops attention, luckily the cops car stops and pulls back to. The cop rolls down his window, and pokes his head out, except it isn’t any ordinary cop, it’s him.

Zac Efron.

You scream just as your dad, who still looks like Zac Efron comes up behind you and turns you around. Your dad looks into your eyes as he begins speaking, sounding exactly like Zac Efron.
“It’s ok, we’re all in this together”